Public Utilities

Application For Utilities

If you need to request a stop or start in utility services, please fill out the following form and provide it to the Town Office.

Utilities can be paid using debit, credit, cash, cheque or send an etransfer to Residents can also enter into a pre-paid debit agreement, with the money being automatically withdrawn from their account.

Report A Problem

If there is a problem with your utility services you may report a concern on our website or call the Town Office at 403-746-2171.

Billing Information

These are the rates that are charged to consumers for the purchase of water, the disposal of sewage, and the collection and disposal of garbage for the Town of Eckville. All utility rates are applicable to monthly billing cycle.  Residential charges are $66.75 per month for water consumption up to 10 cubic meters.


Monthly base rate (up to 10 cubic meters) $18.25
Consumption rate over 10 cubic meters $0.39, Over 20 cubic meters $0.46
Monthly base rate (up to 20 cubic meters) $21.90 per commercial unit
Consumption rate (10 – 20 cubic meters) $0.39
(over 20 cubic meters) $0.46

Residential $35.50 per residential unit
Non-Residential $35.50 per commercial unit


Dwellings: Single family $23.00 
Duplexes: Each unit $23.00
Multi-family dwellings: Each unit $23.00
Manufactured home parks: Each unit $23.00
Institutional, non-private senior’s homes: Weekly pickup $63.00
Multiple weekly pickup $189.00

Non Residential/Office

Office: Each Unit $23.00monthly
4 yard bin(weekly pickup) $94.00monthly
6 yard bin(weekly pickup) $104.50monthly
8 yard bin (weekly pickup) $115.00monthly